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Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers? -- Linus Torvalds


You will not find any Windows ™ stuff here!

Magnum Opus

Project Kouji

Kouji is a codename for an on-going project to develop a capability-based multiserver microkernel-based UNIX-like Operating System.

Project's web page: https://osdever.ca/kouji/

Baseline SCM

Baseline is yet another open-source distributed versioning control system, modeled after git. Baseline was made to be so simple following a suckless KISS design, and a clean KNF codebase. Baseline is available under the terms of ISC, a permissive free software license.

Project's web page: https://osdever.ca/baseline/
Code repository: https://osdever.ca/git/baseline/log.html


LibOSDK stands for Operating System Development Kit, Which is simply a library containing low-level architecture dependent assembly procedures, that you can use to develop your own OS kernel without using any assembly language code or even know about it. Currently LibOSDK only supports i386 architectures. However support for various architectures can be simply added. LibOSDK supports various compilers for different programming languages, it was tested with GNU gcc, NASM and FreePascal.

Project's web page: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/osdk/
Code repository: git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/osdk.git [web]


I usually keep any other small-scale project or code snippets on:

Copyright © 2024 Mohamed Aslan
Last updated: July 27, 2024